

ISIN.com is a world  leading service provider for those that need international securities numbers. From ISINs to CUSIP to SEDOLs and other reference data securities numbers, ISIN’s team specializes in offering memorandum writing, fund and company setup, all the way to navigating through the complex web of public offerings, private placements and more. ISIN.com is proudly independent of banks, and has no affiliation with the Association of National Numbering Agencies, the International Standards Organization, Standard & Poor's, WM Datenservice, CUSIP Global Services, stock exchanges worldwide or other financial institutions and associations.

 Multi-platform Services

At ISIN.com we offer an abundance of business solutions geared for either onshore or offshore companies and funds, including:

  1. ISIN Codes
  2. CUSIPs
  3. SEDOL and other reference data securities identifiers
  4. Company, foundation and trust formation services
  5. Document preparation and filings
  6. ISIN Database Solutions
  7. Record searches and document retrievals
  8. Offshore funds structuring
  9. Prospectus, offering circular and offering memorandum drafting
  10. Depository Assistance
  11. And a variety of office support and other ancillary services, in key offshore and onshore  jurisdictions.

Meeting Locations

ISIN.com is an international consulting business. For years our staff has been assisting companies in the equity and debt world, including public and private companies.

ISIN.com has no affiliation with any association, bank, government, private or public companies or any other website associated with ISIN numbers.