LEI Application
LEI Application
Choose either the email option or the application assistance form option for the Legal Entity Identifier application below. An LEI code or a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is a unique alphanumeric, 20 characters in length identification code tied to a single company or corporate body-entity. Dissimilar from local codes that define the securities of an issuer, such as ISIN code or a CUSIP number, or even a SEDOL code (ISINs, CUSIPs, SEDOLs identify the securities of the company or issuer, not the company or issuer itself), the LEI has been specifically designed to identify a corporation. LEI's are slowly being implemented worldwide with more than 250,000 issued by 2016.
Option 1
Apply for an LEI code by Email
- Please email us indicating your needs.
- In your email you may attach documentation such as your company’s certificate of incorporation or memorandum of association. Once the forms and documentation are viewed we will notify you of time frame and fees for services. Please read the Terms of Use on this website. By emailing us you are agreeing to our Terms of Use.
Email us at isin@isin.com
Option 2
Complete an Legal Entity Identifier Application
Only fill out an application below if you have NOT applied via Option #1 above. If you sent us an email there is no need to fill out any application form.
Please fill out the application with the requested information and attach the company’s certificate of incorporation or memorandum of association. Once the forms and documentation are viewed we will notify you of time-frame and fees.